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Business Calendar


Professional groups

Western New York Chapter of CSCMP Western New York Chapter, Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus, Innovation Center tour and meeting, 7:30 a.m., 640 Ellicott St. Topic: Human Supply Chain. Cost: $10, payable in cash or check at the door. Parking Ellicott St. parking lot directly across from the entrance to the Innovation Center. Reservations, JohnH@straight-forwardconsulting.


Business groups

• BNI Executive Marketing Team, breakfast meeting, 6:45-8:30 a.m., Milos Restaurant, 5877 Main St. Williamsville. Information 818-2526 or www.bniemt.com.

• The Parachute Group, a networking group for downsized employees and career changers, 10 a.m., Lakewood Town Offices (upstairs), 20 W. Summit St., Lakewood. Call 276-1127.

Buffalo Niagara Partnership, Scramble Networking Series, noon-2 p.m., Embassy Suites Buffalo, 200 Delaware Ave. Tickets: $25 member; $50 nonmember. Registration 541-1770.

Executive Taking Action Forum, Life Coach Roundtable, a leadership and personal development networking group, 7 p.m., Holiday Inn Buffalo Airport, 4600 Genesee St., Cheektowaga. Reservations 202-8423.

Seminars and classes

Social Media Biz Summit 2013, 8 a.m.-6 p.m., Canisius College Montante Center, 2001 Main St. Cost $225. Information and registration, Renee Martinez 472-6241 or www.SocialMediaBizSummit.com.

WednesdayThe Western New York Chapter of the Financial Planning Association, monthly lunch meeting, 11:15 a.m.-1:15 p.m., Sonoma Grille, 5010 Main St. Snyder. Cost: Free chapter members; $25 nonmembers. Required reservations, 688.3096 or visit www.fpawny.org.

The Buffalo Chapter Society of Financial Service Professionals educational lunch and learn event, noon, Northeast Retirement Plan Advisors, 950-Am Union Road, Suite 31, West Seneca. Topic: New Tax Code For A New Generation. 2 CTUs. Registration events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=op9vvofab&oeidk=a07e7cnkuwp37ffb570

Business groups

• The Advantage Business Networking Group of Niagara County, 6:45-8:30 a.m., Wheatfield Community Center, 2790 Church Road, North Tonawanda. Call 433-2402.

Nickel City Networkers Meeting, 7:30 a.m., Holiday Showcase Restaurant, Union Road, Depew. Information www.nickelcitynetworking.com.

Buffalo Business Networking Event, 7:30-9 a.m., US Itek, 1016 Niagara Falls Blvd., Tonawanda. Registration http://buffalo-tipclub-may2013.eventbrite.com/

• The Lancaster Area Chamber of Commerce, morning business exchange networking group meeting, 8 a.m., Dutch Mill Family Restaurant, 5259 Broadway, Lancaster. Call 681-9755.

• Pro-Net Professional Networking Group meeting, 8:30 a.m., Amherst Chamber of Commerce, 350 Essjay Road, Suite 200, Amherst. Reservations 632-6905.

• The Parachute Group, a networking group for individuals in career or job transition, 10 a.m., Harlem Road Community Center, 4255 Harlem Road, Amherst. Call 276-1777.

The Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, luncheon meeting, 11:30 a.m., Armor Inn Tap Room, 5381 Abbott Road, Hamburg, Speaker: Chris Jacobs, Erie County Clerk. Tickets: $20 Chamber Members and guests; $25 nonmembers. Information and required registration, www.hamburg-chamber.org or 649-7917.

• Women’s Business Center at Canisius, Women In Networking (WIN) Amherst meeting, 11:45 a.m.-1:15 p.m., Canisius Amherst Conference Center, 300 Corporate Pkwy., Amherst. Reservations wbcinfo@canisius.edu

The American Business Women’s Association WNY Charter Chapter, monthly professional development and dinner meeting, 5:30 p.m., Banchetti’s Banquets and Catering, 550 North French Road, Amherst. Dinner 6:15 p.m. Topic: “Leadership Effectiveness.” Registration www.abwawny.com.

Cheektowaga Chamber of Commerce, NetWorks!, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Quaker Steak & Lube, 6727 Transit Road, Lancaster. Cost $5, includes hors d’oeuvres and drink specials. Reservations, 684-5838.

The Binational Alliance, Erie County Industrial Development Agency, Summer Street Capital Partners, Damon Morey, Canisius College, networking and information event, Enterprising Women Series Session Two: Cross-Border Immigration Law, 5:30-8:30 p.m., Pearl Street Grill and Brewery, 76 Pearl St. Craft beer tastings, with a variety of appetizers & entrees. Cost: Free Binational Alliance members; $35 credit card prepayment nonmembers. Required reservations, Nick Giangreco 856-6525 Ext. 157 or Nick.Giangreco@BTAPartners.com.

Buffalo Niagara 360, Happy Hour For-A-Cause, in collaboration w/B_Team Buffalo, Buffalo Rotary and Sunshine Rotary Clubs, 5:30-8:30 p.m., The Saturn Club, 977 Delaware Ave. Cost: $20 pre-registration; $25 at the door, includes open bar and food. All proceeds collected benefit Cradle Beach Camp. Registration 541-1770.

Grand Island Professional Women’s Chapter, New York State Women, dinner meeting, 6 p.m., River Oaks Clubhouse, Whitehaven Road, Grand Island. Information and reservations, 773-9184, 308-6230 or dinsdggr@aol.com.SCORE, the SBA and Buffalo and the North Tonawanda Public Library, “Starting and Managing Your Business,” a pre-business and startup planning workshop, designed for those in business or interested in learning how to start a business, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., North Tonawanda Public Library, 505 Meadow Drive, North Tonawanda. Cost: $30; veterans, free with proper ID. Workbook, $15. Required reservations www.BuffaloNiagara.Score.Org.


Professional groups

The Buffalo Chapter of Project Management Institute, Breakfast Roundtable–North, 7:15-8:45 a.m., Bob Evans Restaurant, 6635 Transit Road. Topic: Proactive Risk Management–identifying and managing risk effectively and proactively. Information 866-2842.

The Western New York Paralegal Association, WNYPA, general membership meeting, noon, Phillips Lytle law offices, 3400 HSBC Center. Topic: Social Networking and Related Research. Lunch provided. CLE: 1.0 hours. Reservation sueannsarra@gmail.com.

Business groups

• BNI Platinum, networking meeting, 6:45 a.m., Milos Restaurant, 5877 Main St., Williamsville. Information 864-0478.

• BNI Pinnacle, networking meeting, 6:45-8:30 a.m., Transit Valley Country Club, 8920 Transit Road, East Amherst. Reservations 585-704-4383.

• BNI Signature, networking meeting, 6:45-8:30 a.m., K of C Banquet Facility, 2735 Union Road, Cheektowaga. Information 886-1257, Ext. 201.

• The WNY Business Alliance, business-to-business networking meeting, 7:30-8:30 a.m., Millennium Hotel and Resort, 2040 Walden Ave., Cheektowaga. Call 310-3235.

• The Western New York Business Network Group for professionals, 7:45 a.m., Comfort Inn, 1 Flint Road, Amherst, Information 553-8883.

Cheektowaga Chamber of Commerce, membership luncheon, noon, Millennium Hotel and Resort, 2040 Walden Ave., Cheektowaga. Program: Health Care Reform. Cost: $20 Chamber members; $25 nonmembers. Reservations 684-5838.

Buffalo Urban Development Corporation, governance committee, noon, ECIDA/BUDC, 143 Genesee St. Confirmations 856-6525, Ext. 136 or chocieni@ecidany.com.

Working For Downtown, happy hour event and Calumet Building tour, sponsored by The Law Firm of Kenney Shelton Liptak Nowak, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Calumet Building, Chippewa and Franklin Sts., followed by appetizers and discounted wine at Bacchus. Reservations terriwfd@gmail.com.

Seminars and classes

Buffalo Niagara Partnership, Buffalo Niagara Sales & Marketing Executives, Leadership Buffalo, and University at Buffalo Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership Alumni Association, Entrepalooza ‘13, 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Lodge at Holiday Valley, 6081 U.S. 219, Ellicottville. Required reservations, Entrepalooza.com.


Professional groups

The Niagara Frontier Chapter of the American Society of Safety Engineers, monthly luncheon meeting, 11:30 a.m., Construction Exchange, 2660 William St, Cost $15. Topic: “OSHA Fall Protection and Heat Stress compliance” by Gordon Delyes, compliance assistance officer, Buffalo OHSA office. Required reservations www.nfasse.org.

Business groups

• BNI Enterprise, networking meeting, 6:45-8:30 a.m., Fairdale Banquet Center, 672 Wehrle Drive, Amherst. Information, 316-2302.

• BNI Circle of Excellence, networking meeting, 6:45-9 a.m., Milo’s Restaurant, 5877 Main St., Williamsville. Call 408-2525.

The Amherst Chamber of Commerce, Small Business Awards Luncheon and Small Business Showcase, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Samuel’s Grande Manor, 8750 Main St., Williamsville. Tickets, $40/person. Information or reservations, 632-6905 or log on to www.amherst.org.

The Ken-Ton Chamber of Commerce, luncheon meeting, noon, Banchetti by Rizzo’s, 550 North French Road, Amherst. Speaker: Chris Jacobs, Erie County Clerk. Cost $18. Reservations, 874-1202.Professional groups

Buffalo Niagara Sales and Marketing Executives, The Customer Loyalty Advantage, 5:15 p.m., cocktails and networking; 6:15 p.m., dinner; Templeton Landing, 2 Templeton Terrace. Cost: $40 nonmembers; $15 students; free members. Registration: 662-2279 or www.bnsme.org.

Business groups

The Rotary Club of Amherst East, Golf Classic 2013, to benefit Rotary projects and the American Cancer Society, 11 a.m.-8 p.m., Westwood Country Club, 772 North Forest Road, Williamsville. Cost: $150. Information, Gabe Maddalena, president, 688-6114, Ext. 1820.

Buffalo Urban Development Corp., real estate committee, noon, ECIDA/BUDC, 143 Genesee St., followed by the Buffalo Brownfield Restoration Corporation. Confirmations, 362-8367 or chocieni@ecidany.com.

Northtowns Chapter 439, NARFE, National Active and Retired Federal Employees, 1:30 p.m., Harlem Road Community Center, 4255 Harlem Road., Amherst. Information, 694-3073.Professional groups

The Buffalo Niagara Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America, “PR in the Age of Disruption,” 8-9 a.m., University at Buffalo, Crofts Hall, Room 324, UB North Campus. Registration, 7:45 a.m. A light continental breakfast provided. Registration, www.prsabuffaloniagara.org or 879-0942.

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