Health law business insurance site delayed 1 year
As President Obama’s administration delays yet another aspect of the federal health insurance exchange due to computer glitches – this time for small businesses – it’s full speed ahead for individuals...
View ArticleCattaraugus County Legislature adopts budget with tax rate hikes
LITTLE VALLEY – With more than half of the tax levy of nearly $52.4 million going to retirement and insurance costs, the Cattaraugus County Legislature has adopted the budget for 2014 that was...
View ArticleArea's first snow is Hallmark-perfect
It came. It snowed. It left.Advance winter storm forecasts cautioning the whole of Buffalo Niagara to brace for its first real blast of wintry weather proved not to have been over-hyped. It was...
View ArticleCorasanti juror pleads guilty in second DWI case
A juror from the Dr. James G. Corasanti fatal hit-and-run DWI trial, who just finished serving a 15-day jail sentence in a Buffalo drunken-driving case, now faces up to a year in jail for driving...
View ArticlePhoto Gallery: Turkey Trot winners through the years
To read the full story, please click here.
View ArticlePastor accused of sex abuse of children
LOCKPORT – The Rev. Roy D. Harriger Sr. may have left a trail of as many as 10 victims of sexual abuse across three states and four decades, a State Police investigator said Wednesday as he announced...
View ArticleDriver charged with drunk driving in crash that killed West Seneca...
A drunken driver was charged in the early Wednesday morning crash that killed Daniel S. McParlane, police said, while others lamented the end of a promising political career of the young chairman of...
View ArticleEx-Fed chief sees stocks on solid ground
Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said the U.S. economy probably will grow more slowly next year than some forecasters predict and indicated that a record U.S. stock market isn’t in a...
View ArticleEase of mobile banking leads to explosion in its use by consumers
Snap, tap and done.That’s the catchy mantra of mobile banking, increasingly touted by financial institutions as a way to oh-so-easily pay bills, check balances and deposit checks from your cellphone....
View ArticleNew rules to tighten mortgage market
Some shoppers planning to buy a new home in 2014 will get more scrutiny – and likely less money.Here’s why: A new set of rules for getting a mortgage kicks in. Interest rates are expected to rise. And...
View ArticleActive retirement is the new normal, financial executive says
It’s a confusing time to be planning for retirement.The Dow Jones industrial average last week closed above 16,000 for the first time. But uncertainty in the economy continues, and low interest rates...
View ArticleNSA may be targeting tech giants’ weak spot: fiber-optic cables
SAN FRANCISCO – The recent revelation that the National Security Agency was able to eavesdrop on the communications of Google and Yahoo users without breaking into the companies’ data centers sounded...
View ArticleFredonia’s Miracle on Main Street festival to offer telegrams to Santa
FREDONIA – Children will be able to send telegrams to Santa Claus as one of the newest offerings during the annual Miracle on Main Street Dec. 7 in downtown Fredonia. The telegrams will be sent to the...
View ArticleHolland School Board votes not to reopen building
Preliminary discussions on a potential capital project have drawn the Holland School Board back into the thorny topic of building reconfigurations, particularly whether to reopen the former middle...
View ArticleRetirement doesn’t always work
Arno Zwillenberg is well into the golden years of his life.Yet at 91, he’s looking for a job and taking classes to make himself more attractive to a potential employer.His monthly Social Security...
View ArticleHearts in need are gratefully fed by Salvation Army
Most people celebrate Thanksgiving in a home.But for an estimated 200 to 300 people, home on Thursday was the Salvation Army in downtown Buffalo, where 100 cheerful volunteers, including Mayor Byron...
View ArticleSummer day camp proposed in West Seneca
It was well before this week’s Thanksgiving school break when parents started calling the Town of Orchard Park’s Recreation Department to ask about next summer’s day camp program.“We have probably...
View ArticleFalls approves deal with firefighters for slight raises
NIAGARA FALLS – The city and its firefighters union have struck a deal on a new four-year labor contract that provides “modest” raises.The agreement, approved by a 4-0 vote of the City Council this...
View ArticleFiery attack of 1813 to be relived
Niagara-on-the-Lake and Fort Erie, Ont., and Buffalo will be ablaze with activities on Dec. 7, commemorating the fiery December 1813 attack during the War of 1812.The public is invited to Market...
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