Holidays a key time to check health status of elderly relatives
There’s no place like home for the holidays, where memories are thick, the food is delicious and happy gatherings raise the spirits. And there’s no time like the holidays to check up on the folks back...
View ArticleU.S. teens make no gains on global exam
WASHINGTON – Scores in math, reading and science posted by 15-year-olds in the United States were flat, while their counterparts elsewhere – particularly in Shanghai, Singapore and other Asian...
View ArticleCraft breweries coming to three Buffalo neighborhoods
The ability to watch beer being made, and to drink it in an attractive space in the same building, is growing rapidly in Buffalo. Downtown, on the West Side and in the Larkin District, craft breweries...
View ArticleLawmakers bristle at broad brush of Cuomo’s anti-corruption panel
ALBANY – The day after Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s anti-corruption commission said that it’s investigating an unspecified number of state lawmakers for possible ethical and criminal lapses, the collective...
View ArticleJudge allows most of Cartagena’s statements for use in her murder trial
After 8-year-old Bianca Cartagena was found dead in her bed, Candace Croff Cartagena had little to say that night about what might have happened to her daughter.Now, a judge has ruled the statements...
View ArticleSnowy owls arrive early in Buffalo Niagara region
The snowy owl must know Buffalo Niagara is the wisest place to be this winter.An early invasion of the large, northern bird that spends its summers chasing the frigid air north of the Arctic Circle...
View ArticleAs U.S. exports hit all-time high, trade deficit falls to $40.6 billion
WASHINGTON – The U.S. trade deficit fell in October, helped by America’s energy boom that lifted exports to an all-time high.The trade gap narrowed to $40.6 billion in October, the Commerce Department...
View ArticleImproved trade doesn’t translate into U.S. job booster
WASHINGTON – New trade data out Wednesday provided good news: The nation’s trade deficit narrowed to $40.6 billion in October, down from a revised $43 billion in September. But the reasons for the...
View ArticleSun Restaurant is a window into Burmese food
Three years ago, at a rickety table in the back of one of the Asian groceries on Niagara Street, I fell in love with a bowl of soup. ¶ Kevin Lin, the Burmese guy responsible for the sushi at the...
View ArticleBuffalo theater entrepreneurs begin their second acts with two new companies
Any Buffalo theater veteran will tell you that launching a new company here has never been easy.Ask Victoria Perez, who tried for two seasons to build an audience for Latino theater through a small...
View ArticleRestaurants feeding the fans at Sabres-centered Catwalk for Charity
One of the most unusual fundraisers of the year, Catwalk for Charity is a Sabres-centered party thrown by Ryan Miller’s Steadfast Foundation to help raise money for children coping with cancer.The...
View ArticleBenjaman Gallery digs deep into its collection for an ‘Exhibition of...
A trip through the back rooms of the Benjaman Gallery on Elmwood Avenue, where paintings and other prized objects from its extensive collection crowd almost every inch of available floor and wall...
View ArticleHoliday theater productions abound this weekend
The holiday theater productions that began to appear like faint flurries in late November are about to become a lake-effect deluge. You could easily fill your entire weekend and then some with holiday...
View ArticleTheatre of Youth alums to showcase new work at Alleyway Theatre
At the holidays, Buffalo’s theater and music scenes briefly swell with new members, as many of the city’s creative diaspora blow back home for at least a few days to visit. Many of those visitors are...
View ArticleMicrosoft to encrypt data in its services to prevent snooping
Microsoft plans to encrypt data flowing through all of its communication, productivity and other services as it seeks to reassure users in the United States and beyond that it will guard their...
View ArticleFire at vacant house on Goodyear damages adjacent homes
A fire at a vacant house on the 300 block of Goodyear Avenue early Thursday caused minor damage to two adjacent houses, Buffalo fire officials said.The blaze, reported shortly after 3 a.m. , caused...
View ArticleElmwood Village tree-lighting is Friday
The Elmwood Village Tree-Lighting Ceremony will be held at 6 p.m. Friday at 667 Potomac Ave., a community garden where Potomac, Elmwood Avenue and Bidwell Parkway converge, the Elmwood Village...
View ArticleSchool music groups perform holiday concerts at Buffalo bus terminal
Student musical ensembles from Mount Mercy Academy will kick off annual Sounds of the Season holiday performance series at 2 p.m. today in the downtown Buffalo bus terminal, 181 Ellicott St., the...
View ArticleErie County posts restaurant inspections info on website
The Erie County Department of Health on Wednesday began online posting its regular inspections of more than 3,500 local restaurants and other food-service facilities.Access to the county’s Food...
View ArticleHigh-tech sign seeks to prevent wrong-way drivers from entering Thruway
It’s a high-tech sign of the times that Thruway officials hope will save lives by preventing motorists from driving the wrong way onto the state’s superhighway.A pair of Doppler radar-assisted...
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