Question of enforcement casts cloud on Syria plan
BEIRUT — The U.S. and France on Tuesday pushed for a tough United Nations resolution to ensure Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime turns over its chemical weapons stockpile, but Assad’s ally Russia...
View ArticleZagat’s crowns beef on weck as state signature sandwich
By Andrew Z. Galarneau Zagat, the survey-based guide to restaurants in the U.S. and select international cities, has named the beef on weck New York State's specialty sandwich. Ben Tsujimoto of...
View ArticleJCC Olean campus gets funding for manufacturing facility
LITTLE VALLEY – The Cattaraugus County Legislature has voted unanimously to support the allocation of $500,000 of its share of casino revenue to the establishment of an advanced manufacturing facility...
View ArticleCattaraugus County website aids farmers
LITTLE VALLEY – Cattaraugus County has helped farmers and other agricultural producers by creating an Internet site that ties them together to create an agritourism package for visitors.The site,...
View Article10th Street Gang member pleads to federal charges
Melvin Medina, 27, a member of Buffalo’s once-infamous 10th Street Gang, pleaded guilty Wednesday before U.S. District Judge Richard J. Arcara to a conspiracy count under the federal racketeering...
View ArticleSalamanca students to receive mental-health help with federal grant
SALAMANCA – At-risk students in the Salamanca City School District will soon have staff that will have training to help with mental health crisis situations. A three-year, $931,666 grant will make...
View ArticleFederal role in Delphi pension flap confirmed; salaried retirees encouraged
WASHINGTON – Salaried retirees at Delphi Corp., including 750 from the Buffalo area, have been fighting for four years for the pension benefits they lost the day the federal government bailed out the...
View Article3 elections in Erie County hinge on votes still be counted
At least 3,000 votes remain uncounted at the Erie County Board of Elections today, and it could be several days before their tabulation will determine the results of three Democratic primary elections...
View ArticleBills linebacker given adjournment in marijuana arrest
Buffalo Bills linebacker Nigel Bradham was told by Tonawanda Town Justice Daniel T. Cavarello that as long as he leads a law-abiding life for the next six months the marijuana violation and...
View ArticleLockport Council begins budget work behind closed doors
LOCKPORT – The Common Council began its work on the 2014 city budget in a closed session Wednesday, with no data released.Mayor Michael W. Tucker said the budget materials contain sensitive...
View ArticleNiagara County to renew contract with Medicaid auditor
LOCKPORT – The Bonadio Group of Pittsford is to receive a new contract to continue auditing providers of Medicaid services in Niagara County, looking for fraud.Two County Legislature committees...
View ArticleSection of Moses Parkway to be closed for four weeks
PORTER – A section of the Robert Moses Parkway near Four Mile Creek State Park will be closed for about the next four weeks because of bridge maintenance work.The section that’s closed is between...
View ArticleIDA transfers tax break for new owner of medical building
WHEATFIELD – The Niagara County Industrial Development Agency voted Wednesday to transfer the seven years left on a property tax break for a renal dialysis clinic in the Woodlands Corporate Center off...
View ArticleDEC says brownfield cleanup needed at Fashion Outlet expansion site in Niagara
TOWN OF NIAGARA – The state Department of Environmental Conservation said Wednesday that its testing shows a cleanup is needed at the site of the former Sabre Park mobile home community, slated to be...
View ArticlePresumed also-ran from S. Buffalo out front as he bucks Cheektowaga...
One of the biggest surprises in Tuesday’s Democratic primaries was the three-way contest for the Erie County Legislature’s Seventh District seat.Conventional wisdom had it that Patrick B. Burke, the...
View ArticleState parks police on lookout for missing man along Niagara River
NIAGARA FALLS – New York State Parks Police were on the lookout Wednesday night for a man reported missing early in the afternoon along the Niagara River. Officials said a search would be resumed...
View ArticleTall ships arrive in Buffalo’s harbor Thursday
Two tall ships sail into Canalside Thursday afternoon and begin the four-day Maritime Fest with its rowboat rentals, beer garden, music, screening of “Pirates of the Caribbean” and fireworks. “We...
View ArticleUpdate: I-990 south-bound ramp to I-290 east reopens
The southbound I-990 ramp leading to the eastbound lanes of the I-290 reopened at around 8:50 p.m. The ramp was closed at 12:30 in the afternoon when a tractor-trailer overturned on the entrance ramp,...
View ArticleZoo’s shortfall prompts revised design of polar bear exhibit
The Buffalo Zoo fell $2 million short of raising the $14 million needed to build the Arctic Exhibit and create a new home for its polar bear cubs.But Donna Fernandes, the zoo’s president, hasn’t given...
View ArticleBoy, 5, is bitten in the head by his grandmother’s pit bull mix
A five-year-old boy was taken by ambulance to Women and Children’s Hospital after he was bitten by an aggressive 85-pound pit bull/labrador retriever mix named Buttercup at 8:30 a.m. today inside an...
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